According to an eyewitness who just sent in this mail, an Indian man was apprehended on the 31st of October, at satellite town, Lagos for stealing an Okada man’s p*nis. Below is the unedited version of what the sender sent in. You will also see video and more photos after the cut.
Wonder never ceases to end as an Indian stole the dick of a Nigerian in the satellite town area of Lagos ..the victim an okada rider and the event took place between the time of 5:00 - 5: 30pm on the 31st of October .
According to multiple eye witnesses which were okada riders they claim the Indian alighted from a bus which was was headed to mile 2 and asked the okada rider for directions to some place in satellite town unfortunately the okada rider asked him to mount his bike that he'd take him to his destination .
On getting to the gate just before Navy town the Indian instructed the okada rider to stop that he had arrived his destination he asked how much was due the okada rider and paid him far more than he was supposed to.
God been so good, the bike man discovered at the spot that his private part had gone missing, he ran after the Indian man and started shouting to draw the attention of people, his fellow bike riders also chased and stopped the Indian man.